Wednesday, 6 February 2013

A Question of Counties - Part Three

For my next instalment, a few genuine first time photos.

In 2010 Anne and I did a short tour of the South West, I was at that time on my BMW F800GS and Anne was riding her BMW F800R.

Starting from Anne's sisters in Oxfordshire, we headed down to the coast to:


Not my first time, that would have been in the early Eighties, on a Student Bike Club trip to Poole Speedway. However this shot was taken in 2010 at our first stop near Abbotsbury.


A first for both of us as we headed along the South Coast and then inland to cross Dartmoor.


Crossing the River Fowey on the Bodinnick ferry.


Returning along the north coast and into Somerset we headed inland and stopped for lunch in Wells. Sharp eyed film buffs may spot we are parked beside the same monument that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost used for shelter at the start of the final shoot out in "Hot Fuzz", see I told you that you had to be sharp eyed!

We returned via Glastonbury and Wiltshire back to Oxfordshire but whilst in this neck of the woods, I'd thought I'd finish off this corner of the Country with:


The first time I definitely recall riding a bike through Gloucestershire was in 1988 whilst taking part in the National Road Rally.  This photo however is another one from the 2012 Grail Quest, taken at Gloucester Cathedral. An amusing shot to get as being dark, I had to get close to get both bike and Cathedral in shot. But of course you can't get a bike close to the Cathedral, well not normally but after dark on a Sunday night, it can be done!

So progress seems to be coming along nicely......

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