Monday, 4 June 2012

Getting ready for the K2

No not "getting ready for K2" I'm not going mountaineering... getting ready for the "Rock Oil K2 Keilder Rally" to give it it's full title.

This is a bit of a Marathon in a couple of ways, firstly due to it being a 532 mile round trip and the Rally itself is a two day competition with two 65 mile laps of the Keilder Forest each day.

As a result the organisers arrange a fuel dump out on the lap and I for one will be making use of it, given that the CCM can drop to about 70 miles per tankful when ridden hard. And from what i've heard the Keilder is not a technical course but one with lots of fast fire roads.

The bike was given a good check over after last week's green lane trip so "race preparation" today has consisted of swapping to my "race wheels" (although I will be taking my "trail wheels" as spares just in case), removing the mirror and swapping the full size number plate for a slightly smaller (almost legal) flexi plate on the basis that although the bike has to be road legal (the registration number being the proof of that), the rally is on private land, so no point in risking a broken plate if I don't have to.

And finally unlike previous Welsh Rallies where the organisers provide you with race numbers, this isn't the case at the Keilder and you have to provide your own.

The final instructions have been published this weekend complete with the rider list so I know i'm number sixteen. So being a cheapskate I used the old "numbers on a roll" also known as making your own out of insulating tape!

Not a bad effort even though I say so myself....

I've also being doing at bit of prepation for a bike trip I'm taking in a couple of weeks, almost a complete circuit of Wales, Ireland, England and Scotland, this is my approximate route:

More details to follow shortly!

Once I work out how to fit all my gear on the bike...

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